September 11, 2024


Carter County - Michael Hansen

Still hot and dry. Been spraying some fields that hopefully we can seed some willow creek into. Also sprayed a thousand acres of fallow for the neighbor. Sold the yearling steer last Thursday…topped the sale by almost 250 dollars a head which makes you feel better about all the time spent. Hopefully we get some rain really quick to soften the grass back up for the cows and calves. Forgot to say cleaned the willow creek seed as well. Moisture conditions have been poor. We have not received any precipitation within the last week. Winter wheat, Durum, Barley, Garbanzos, Canola, Mustard, Oats, Hay, and Hay barley were seeded this growing year.



Fergus County - Robert Bold

Waiting for the ground to cool moisture to arrive in the germination zone, some weeds to poke up for a spray job and the hoppers to become less active since they only migrate into here but never out. Then seed winter wheat.  Went to the Chokecherry Festival in Lewistown this past weekend with a late 60's muscle car. I noticed that everyone had their own ashtray--but not one cup holder. The car was standard equipped--no AC, but it had the triangle vent window; AM radio only--not FAM or Sirius XM; manual controls like window openers vs electric windows and trunk opener; no power seats and real poor gas mileage. But lots of muffler noise and power. With all of that, I wondered why no cup holders? Didn't anyone have anything to drink while on the road in those days? It dawned on me that if anyone was to have drinks, they’d need a can opener or bottle opener--commonly known as a Church Key. Which always seemed to come up missing. The beverage industry, like any good farmer, recognized their short comings and made adjustments to their production. Pop top cans and twist top bottles. Thus, taking traveling business away from Phillip Morris and other tobacco companies. Now most vehicles have a cup holder--or two--for each passenger. And not one ashtray in the vehicle. I see my price canary in the cold mine (oats) has perked up. Wheat market bottomed out? Finally? Exports are up very noticeably. Hope this rain prediction comes through so we can get seeding. Moisture conditions have been fair. We have not received any precipitation within the last week. Winter wheat and Spring wheat were seeded this growing year.


Gallatin County - Dale Flikkema

Harvest has been frustrating. Moisture conditions have been fair. Spring wheat, Lentils, Canola, Mustard, Hemp, Corn, Oats, Sunflower, and Hay were seeded this growing year.


Hill County - Trevor Wolery

Mornings begin with fix and fuel or fuel and fix around here. Planting conditions have been superb with the only downside being the hot temps. Inputs are overpriced and markets undervalued but will continue forward with the gluten conquest. Rain predicted for midweek and will be welcomed if the forecast is true. Moisture conditions have been good. Winter wheat, Barley, and Mustard were seeded this growing year.


Judith Basin County - Greg Mathews

Been done for a while, still some are harvesting but most should be done by the end of the week. Waiting for some moisture to seed, as the ground is hard and the hoppers are showing up everywhere. Got the seed wheat loaded up and treated and will get the first load of fertilizer this week as I wait. No one seeded in the area but the feedlot people. Doesn't make sense seeding into regrowth and dry stubble, but maybe they know something I do not. Will wait for the moisture to come later in the week and then decide when to plant. Best to all and have a great fall. Moisture conditions have been poor. We received 0.06 inches of precipitation within the last week.


McCone/Dawson County - Trevor Schock

We wrapped up harvest on Friday (9/6). Overall, harvest went well with only a few minor breakdowns. The great weather and moisture from this spring had crops looking great well into July. Then the heat came with multiple 100+ degree days. We knew that this heat would hurt the potential yield. Peas and mustard were probably most affected by the heat as it brought on their ripening very fast. They both wound up yielding a little better than an average year. The wheat managed to take the heat better for the most part. The fallow ground wheat held up really well, while the continous crop was hurt more by heat and lacking rainfall, but still got better than average yields. The protein was holding good across all the fields too. Feels good to be done with another harvest season. Moisture conditions have been fair. We have not received any precipitation within the last week. Spring wheat, Peas, and Mustard were seeded this growing year. Spring wheat is harvested. It's been pretty dry through most of harvest with a couple of quick showers. Rain is forecasted for the next few days and would be welcome and helpful in deciding whether or not to plant winter wheat. Grasshoppers are still left in greener area of grass and ditches but seem to be less than the past few years. Glyphosate resistant kochia is present.



Teton County - Mitch Konen

The 2024 crop is in the bin and the machinery is cleaned and ready for hibernation. Crops were average at best yield wise and the quality remained excellent. Sounds like possible moisture the rest of the week and preparations are being made for winter wheat seeding to begin. The water year is about to roll over and so far for 2024 I have received almost 12". Since the first of the year, I have received 6.11". Timing is a big thing for growing crops and it was fair. With our reduced allotments for irrigation water this year, it made for some tension in trying to time applications with crop growth stages. The drought monitor has been getting refined in its capabilities to match actual climate conditions and looks to be a very good tool for disaster declaration. Keep reporting your local conditions for verification of this tool. Always remember today! Moisture conditions have been poor. We have received .04 inches of precipitation within the last week. Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Barley, and Hay were seeded this growing year. Winter wheat is harvested. Spring wheat is in the ripe growth stage. Barley is harvested.




September 3, 2024


Carter County - Michael Hansen

Hot dry and windy week took the little tinge of green that was coming from the rains at the beginning of the month away. Sure wish that the end of the north weather would’ve come at the beginning and vice versa. Got the corrals built and will move on to spraying, cleaning some seed, and getting the drill ready. Moisture conditions have been poor. Winter wheat, Durum, Barley, Garbanzos, Canola, Mustard, Oats, Hay, and Hay barley were seeded this growing year.


Cascade County - Steve Sheffels

Harvest is done! Planning on seeding next week. We had our third best winter wheat crop ever on 6" above average rainfall for the two years…that in spite of saw fly and a few hailstorms. The hail damage was in the 5-15% range on the wheat and barley. The saw fly was probably about the same. The barley came in just above average. Without the hail and the sawfly, it would have been considerably better. The one field of yellow peas came in at the county average. They were disappointing because the crop next to the road was so much better. It's hard to remember that the crop over the rise is only average when it looks so fantastic next to the road. With some re-crop acres on the fire ground from last year and the good crops we harvested a record number of bushels this year. For that, we are extremely grateful. (After that is said, do I get to complain about prices?). Moisture conditions have been good. We have received .1 inches of precipitation within the last week. Winter wheat, Barley, and Peas were seeded this growing year. Winter wheat is harvested. Barley is harvested.


Fergus County - Robert Bold

Done with harvest for over a week now. All but a couple of neighbors are done and those remaining have very little left to harvest. Mostly late seeded acres and organic. Harvest was good thanks to the cool growing season in May and June. Luckily the heat came late and was around most the month of July. Getting ready to seed winter wheat but waiting for some moisture and cooler soil temperatures to get some weeds started. Also, slow down the hoppers. Both grain elevators in this area are completely full and waiting for a train to continue to take grain. Farm storage is maxed out also. Had a good Labor Day weekend with a getaway to the Black Hills. Hope everyone has a good week ahead! Moisture conditions have been fair. We have not received any precipitation within the last week. Winter wheat and Spring wheat were seeded this growing year. Winter wheat is harvested. Spring wheat is harvested.


Hill County - Trevor Wolery

Hope everyone had a productive Labor Day weekend. Received .56 inches in total in two separate showers Tuesday and Wednesday of this past week. Sowing conditions have been excellent lately. 2 inches of total precipitation for the month of August which has kept the stubble green and honestly a rarity weather pattern for us in the Goldstone area. We will continue forward with football, spraying and sowing the next month. Everyone stay safe and enjoy the days as summer winds down. Moisture conditions have been excellent. Winter wheat, Barley, and Mustard were seeded this growing year.



Judith Basin County - Greg Mathews

We are done with harvest. Waiting for some much needed rain to soften the ground up to seed next years crop. Do not know when I’ll start as the sf has no top moisture. Will heavy harrow this week and hook the drill up and wait. Saw someone seeding between Great Falls and Fort Benton on Friday before Labor Day weekend. Still some crop to be cut up that way as well as here in Central Montana. Best to all and hope you had a great Labor Day weekend. We received 0.08 inches of precipitation within the last week.


Teton County - Mitch Konen

The end of harvest is nearing. Hoping today (9/3) will be the last day. Harvest started out great on the irrigated winter wheat on the 12th of Aug. Quick little showers every other day that amounted to nothing kept things slowed up. After a few days it was time for the irrigated barley. Just got a good start into the barley and the combine decided to throw the chopper gearbox, and of course it was on a Friday at 5:30PM. With crops ready for harvesting and no parts in sight, it was time for a newer combine. Finished the barley on the 27th. The irrigated spring wheat was next with limited acreage actually ready. So, this past weekend made for some waiting time which was good for family time. Crops were good coming in at least matching my five year average and quality was in good shape despite the higher temps and short water supply. I missed out on most of the harvest monsoonal moisture that folks were receiving to the east and north of me. Moisture conditions have been poor. We have received .25 inches of precipitation within the last week. Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Barley, and Hay were seeded this growing year. Winter wheat is harvested. Spring wheat is in the ripe growth stage. Barley is harvested. It is always a conundrum of feelings of not wanting moisture while harvesting but looking for moisture for winter wheat seeding. Always looking forward to the next crop keeps us moving forward. We have grasshoppers, saw fly, and wild oats.