May 29, 2024


Blaine/Phillips County - Raymond Keller

Everything looks good and all the crops are emerging. Winter wheat is sprayed and we are working on spraying chem fallow. Moisture conditions have been good. We have received .1 to .5 inches of precipitation within the last week depending on where the storm hit. Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Peas, and Lentils were seeded this growing year. We still have a lot of wind.  


Carter County - Michael Hansen

Finished spraying winter wheat and all in all looks like an above average crop so far. If nothing else there will be some hay bales off it. Got the flea beetles sprayed out of both the canola and mustard. Just about done spraying barley. There certainly are some thin spots from too much water standing in the spring crops, but I guess it beats the alternative. Sprayed the oats as well. We have also gotten half the calves branded and turned out to summer pasture. Probably have less than a hundred to calve. Hope to get canola sprayed after the barley. Had a few showers this last week and pasture grasses are looking excellent. Moisture conditions have been good. We have received .25 inches of precipitation within the last week. Winter wheat, Durum, Barley, Garbanzos, Canola, Mustard, Oats, Hay, and Hay barley were seeded this growing year. Winter wheat is in the jointing growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 3-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the 3-leaf growth stage. The 8 to 14 day outlook shows normal temperatures and below precipitation. The grasshoppers are back.



Cascade County - Steve Sheffels

The winter wheat is looking excellent. The barley is looking average. The peas seem off to a slow start. I'm wondering if the colder temperatures we've been having are keeping them from growing rapidly. You can almost see the winter wheat grow. Moisture conditions have been excellent. Winter wheat, Barley, and Peas were seeded this growing year. Winter wheat is in the jointing growth stage. Barley is in the 4-leaf growth stage. The ground is saturated. We have 0.5 – 1 inch of rain forecasted for this week. We are seeing some pea leaf weevil.  We're probably going to spray for them this week.


Fergus County - Boyd Heilig

The crops here in central Montana look very good so far. Started spraying the earlier barley yesterday (5/27). There have been quite a few loads of wheat heading to the elevator the last month or so. It helps that the price has seen a nice rally lately. Moisture conditions have been fair. We have received .5 inches of precipitation within the last week. Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Barley, and Canola were seeded this growing year. Winter wheat is in the jointing growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 4-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the 5-leaf growth stage. The winter wheat looks fairly healthy but will be watching for tan spots to show up.



Fergus County - Robert Bold

Last week was up and down as far as weather with splash and dash rain showers. Some of it was hard rain, however there wasn’t any hail. Done spraying winter wheat which is all jointed, but some of it is trying to boot. Good crop coming on--so far.  Got some spring wheat sprayed but most of it is clean--yet. Have some chem fallow to attend to this coming week. For me, it is surprising how well the chem fallow holds up the next year from a late fall spray job. Going to continue that fall practice. Most of the alfalfa seeding is done. Just a short day left. Moisture conditions have been good. We have received .75 inches of precipitation within the last week. Winter wheat and Spring wheat were seeded this growing year. Spring wheat is in the 4-leaf growth stage.


Gallatin County - Dale Flikkema

Grain crops are looking good. Seeing a little damage on lentils and canola from last weeks cold temps. Moisture conditions have been excellent. We have received 1.5 inches of precipitation within the last week. Winter Wheat, Spring wheat, Lentils, Canola, Mustard, Hemp, Corn, Oats, Sunflower, and Hay were all seeded this growing year. Winter wheat is in the tillering growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 3-leaf growth stage. We need warmer temps. Don’t have any insects to report at this time.


Hill County - Trevor Wolery

Threw the white flag in on the remaining acres of ww herbicide application due to wetter weather and crop stage. Barley has been sprayed and now waiting on the wind to settle so fallow acres can be addressed. The greater surrounding area of Goldstone truly looks great with our May precipitation showing a plethora of potential if Mother Nature continues to play ball. Moisture conditions have been excellent. We have received .65 inches of precipitation within the last week. Winter wheat, Barley, and Mustard were seeded this growing year. Winter wheat is in the jointing growth stage. Barley is in the 4-leaf growth stage.



Judith Basin County - Greg Mathews

Been a good week here. Rained 4 of the last 7 days: .04 inches Mon (5/20) .11 inches Wed (5/23) .62 inches Thur (5/24) and .32inches Sat (5/26) for a total of 1.09 inches.  Tuesday and Wed got all the spring wheat and most of the barley top dressed. Needed 40 minutes more but will take the rain. Crops should really take off this coming week with the temps in the 70's. Hope everyone had a great Memorial weekend and remembered family and loved ones that are no longer with us, especially the ones that served. Best to all and get ready for the Annual Golf Tourney coming up on June 6. Moisture conditions have been good. Spring wheat, Barley, and Hay were seeded this growing year.


Teton County - Mitch Konen

Crops are advancing well. Have had fairly cool temps so growth is a little slow which is great for root growth. Playing the waiting game for the crops to get to the proper stage to get the sprayer rolling. We are still in a holding pattern with water deliveries as the reservoirs have yet to reach full pool. Have heard that water should be delivered to the bench by the end of the week. The soil moisture profile is at full water capacity in the spring crops with the recent rains and slow growth pattern. But that will change fast as the crops will advance fast as the heat and daylight hours increase. The grass pastures, alfalfa fields, and winter wheat acres will be in need of water real soon in order to remain stress free. Water usage management will need to be as efficient as can be in order to carry this crop to full potential. Moisture conditions have been fair. We have received .6 to 1.15 inches of precipitation within the last week. Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Barley, and Hay were seeded this growing year. Winter wheat is in the booting growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 3-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the 4-leaf growth stage. Quick little shower storms every other day have been sliding by and keeping things relatively moist and cool. The short grass prairie remains green as a result. Have seen a few hoppers in the prairie grass. Wild oats, mustards, shepherds purse, kochia and lambs quarter are present.




May 21, 2024


Blaine/Phillips County - Raymond Keller

We should finish tomorrow May 18th; we have 200 acres left. It’s been a bit hectic finishing with the constant changing of weather. Although it has been a dust free zone for the last few days of seeding (quite nice). Farm ground and irrigated hay has been top dressed or spread. 10 head of cows left to calve. Will be branding shortly. Time to spray winter wheat (window is narrowing). Chem fallow is getting a little weedy. I have a few busy days ahead of me, but we will manage. Hope all is well and glad to hear a lot of farmers and ranchers received good moisture last week. Should be our last time filling the drill this spring. Moisture conditions have been excellent. We have received 2 inches of precipitation within the last week plus some scattered showers. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Peas, and Lentils. It has been cold and windy lately. 



Carter County - Michael Hansen

Started spraying winter wheat and it’s much larger than it should be. The airplane will have to spray seven hundred acres because it’s a swamp. Should have it all sprayed by Wednesday. Almost got the sprayer stuck yesterday (5/19) trying to spray one field. A very good problem to have. Got yearling steers hauled to summer pasture and CDRs put in replacement heifers. Ended up with another .6 to 1 inch of rain (depending on what cloud you were under) earlier in the week. Winter wheat looks pretty good. It didn’t tiller as good as usual with the cold and dry weather early on. All the spring crops are up and going. Will start spraying flea beetles out of mustard and canola tomorrow (5/22). Moisture conditions have been excellent. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Durum, Barley, Garbanzos, Canola, Mustard, Oats, Hay, and Hay barley. Winter wheat is in the jointing growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 2-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the 3-leaf growth stage.



Cascade County - Steve Sheffels

Everything has emerged and is looking good. Finished spraying the winter wheat last week.   It is looking rather lush after all of the good rain we've been getting. The summer fallow is still looking fairly clean. It just has a little bit of grass starting to show. Moisture conditions have been excellent. There has been .3 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Barley, and Peas. Winter wheat is in the jointing growth stage. Barley is in the 1-leaf growth stage. The ground is saturated. We have 0.5 – 1 inch of rain forecasted for this week. If it doesn't come very slowly, most of it is going to run off. Saw a little evidence of pea leaf weevil last week. We're going to keep an eye on it.


Chouteau County - Nathan Keane

Finished spring seeding last Monday (5/13). Moisture conditions have been excellent. We have received 2.5 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Barley, Lentils, Garbanzos, Canola, and Hay. Winter wheat is in the 5-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the 2-leaf growth stage.  I do not have any weather concerns currently. No insects or diseases to speak of just mustard and prickly lettuce.



Fergus County - Boyd Heilig

Things are progressing well here so far. Was able to get most of the winter wheat sprayed last week and get half of the springs crops top dressed. Yesterday (5/19) we received 1/3 inch of rain. Moisture conditions have been fair. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Barley, and Canola. Winter wheat is in the jointing growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 3-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the 4-leaf growth stage.



Fergus County - Robert Bold

Having a hard time getting our winter wheat sprayed--between rain and heavy winds. In addition, it froze really hard here Sunday night. That heavy freeze is common for us and right on schedule time wise. Did not want to stress the wheat crop even more, so there went that spraying day, however, should finish Wednesday. Have some spring wheat that needs to be sprayed. About half done seeding alfalfa and grass. Hope to get done Wednesday, ahead of the next round of precipitation. Things are really green. It is picture perfect when one can see the green all around you and the white snow in the mountains in the distance. Here at our place we can see 8 of Montana's 64 mountain ranges on a clear day. It just doesn't get much better. Hope everyone has a good Memorial Day weekend.  Remember those who served, fought, and sacrificed their most precious possession--their life or years of their life so we can enjoy ours.  Have a good weekend!! Moisture conditions have been good. Not much precipitation, just a dozen or so splash and dashes. Planning on growing Winter wheat and Spring wheat. Winter wheat is in the jointing growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 3-leaf growth stage. There are reports north of here of hopper hatches and lots of them.


Hill County - Trevor Wolery

We have been Chasing fields and storms in between breakdowns on Comes Apart Farms this week. Cold nights with dewy mornings have slowed the sprayer pace. Slowly chewing ww acres this past week but with a low of 30 degrees the other night and daily scattered light showers, has made it a battle. Spring crops will need the same attention soon as well as the fallow. Moisture conditions have been excellent. We have received .35 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Barley, and Mustard. Winter wheat is in the tillering growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 3-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the 3-leaf growth stage.



Judith Basin County - Greg Mathews

Received 0.03 inches of rain this last week with south of Moore and Lewistown getting a quarter of an inch or more. The winter wheat in the area looks awesome and is hard to find a bad field but there are a few. Spring crops are mostly out of the ground with just a few still seeding. Looks like this next week could be a wet one so let’s hope the weatherman is right. Some have turned their cow and calves out to summer pasture and a lot more this next week. Hope everyone has a great and blessed week. Moisture conditions have been fair. Planning on growing Spring wheat, Barley, and Hay. Spring wheat is in the 2-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the 1-leaf growth stage. There are a few grasshoppers that have over wintered but hoping the knits all drowned last week in the rain and snow.


McCone/Dawson County - Trevor Schock

We are about 75% planted now. Less than 2000 acres of spring wheat left to go. Should be done by the end of the month with decent weather. Planting conditions have been very good after the 4” rain a couple of weeks ago. Crops seem like they are growing inches every day when they get some sunshine. Drills and sprayers are running around everywhere as they are wrapping up the spring work. Moisture conditions have been good.  We have received .25 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Spring wheat, Peas, and Mustard. Spring wheat is in the 1-leaf growth stage. Aphids on mustard are present and we have mustards, cheat grass, and mare's tail for weeds.



Northern Stillwater & Yellowstone County - Michelle Jones

We have completed spring planting 2024! Moisture conditions have been good. We have received .1 - .4 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Safflower, and Hay. Winter wheat is in the tillering growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 4-leaf growth stage.


Teton County - Mitch Konen

Crops are all out of the ground, as are the wild oats, tansey mustard, and other weeds. Weather has been a bit chilly with freezing temps the last few mornings. Have received .35" moisture this past week, and 1.87" for the past 2 week total. Water is still a concern on the irrigation bench with water restrictions for the town of Fairfield still in place, and the irrigation storage reservoirs have yet to reach full pool and the water to be released into the irrigation system. But soon it will happen. Crops are coming along well though and waiting for some heat units. After spraying the chem fallow and the winter wheat, it has been a time to work on some equipment sorely in need of it. And as always, watching the wild swings in the markets hopefully to catch some good prices for our crops. Moisture conditions have been fair.  We have received .35 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Barley, and Hay. Winter wheat is in the jointing growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 2-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the 2-leaf growth stage. As with any spring worries are the thunderheads that tend to build every other day, and the weather they produce. Washed my pickup the other day and pulled out of the car wash into a grapple storm that left about an inch on the ground. Nice little cloud burst. Don't forget your rain gear for the golf tournament. Wild oats and tansy mustard for weeds.





May 15, 2024


Carter County - Michael Hansen

We finished planting on May 4th. Absolutely perfect timing because from the 6th to the 9th we received 3 inches of rain. What a blessing! The only bad thing is that even in the county it wasn’t very widespread. Neighbors to the north barely got a sprinkle. Biggest worry now is that if all the crops will get pushed through the crust that is going to form. The gumbo doesn’t like huge rainfall events and 1.7 inches of that came in one hour. Winter wheat needs sprayed but is too wet to do that yet. Hopefully next week we will get that accomplished. Been branding calves and getting cows put where they need to be. Cows are probably 75 percent done calving already.  I always forget what I have been doing when I write these and if no one noticed I sent the same pictures two weeks in a row, so I made sure to take some new ones…haha. Moisture conditions have been excellent. There has been 3 inches of precipitation since last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Durum, Barley, Garbanzos, Canola, Mustard, Oats, Hay, and Hay barley. Winter wheat is in the tillering growth stage. Barley is in the 1-leaf growth stage.



Fergus County - Boyd Heilig

We finally were able to start spraying the winter wheat this week. Crops look really good so far. Last week we received 2.5 inches of rain/snow. Lost our power for a couple days. Very thankful for Fergus Electric and their crews to get things back up. Moisture conditions have been excellent. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Barley, and Canola. Winter wheat is in the tillering growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 3-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the 3-leaf growth stage.


Fergus County - Robert Bold

One third done spraying winter wheat and one half done spraying chem fallow. The warm season weeds are showing up. Winter wheat is whiskey bottle high and loving this spring.  The joint is not very far below the ground. For how rapid it is growing, it appears to be an early harvest. Just as the wheat crop is enjoying this weather, I am enjoying this grain market. Getting some 24 and 25 crop marketed. Precipitation this past week was somewhere over 2 inches.  It gets difficult for me to accurately measure horizontal precipitation in a vertical moisture measuring device. Planning on growing Winter wheat and Spring wheat. Winter wheat is in the tillering growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 2-leaf growth stage. There are reports north of here of hopper hatches and lots of them.


Gallatin County - Dale Flikkema

Spring planting is good so far. Moisture conditions have been good. We have received 1 inch of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Lentils, Canola, Mustard, Hemp, Corn, Sunflower, and Hay. Winter wheat is in the 5-leaf growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 2-leaf growth stage. We need more moisture.



Hill County - Trevor Wolery

We had a once in a lifetime weather event last Tuesday night with wind averaging 50+ mph and gusts exceeding over 60 mph. Rain totaling 1.82 inches during that storm with the northern portions of the farm totaling over 4 inches, also receiving an additional .13 inches this morning. HRW is in need of a herbicide control and will be a dance this week trying to cover some acres before it outgrows our spray window. Springs crops are 90% emerged and off to a great start. Fallow acres will soon be glowing and in need of attention soon. Rain makes grain! Very blessed to have it! Everyone stay safe and enjoy this weather. Moisture conditions have been excellent. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Barley, and Mustard. Winter wheat is in the tillering growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 1-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the 3-leaf growth stage.



Judith Basin County - Greg Mathews

It was a great week, it rained and got very little snow this last week. Got a total of 0.83 inches of needed moisture. To the north, west and east saw a lot more snow and rain. Here it was from 2 to 3 inches. The wind was terrible and a report of 90 mph south of the Gap! They also had power outages as they lost some power poles. Will start spreading fertilizer on the SW this week. The WW needs to be sprayed in the area, but people were waiting for the freezing temps to be done. Hope the weather continues to help everyone. Moisture conditions have been good. Spring wheat is in the 2-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the germinating growth stage.


Toole County - Klayton Lohr

We have finished seeding! Moisture conditions have been fair. We have received 1.3 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Durum this growing season. Spring wheat is in the 1-leaf growth stage. Decent moisture so far, none predicted in the 10-day forecast, which is not what I want to hear. Kochia weeds are a problem.



May 7, 2024


Blaine County - Raymond Keller

Peas and lentils are seeded and we are getting the spring wheat in now. Moisture conditions have been fair. There has been .1 to .6 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Peas, and Lentils. It has been cold and windy lately.


Carter County - Michael Hansen

Almost got planting wrapped up and am working on the last of the chickpeas as I write this. As long as the drill stays running should be done by Saturday. Still decent moisture; two inches down where they are going so hopefully they will sprout. Another dry and windy week, getting into the tractor this week has been a workout in itself. Once a guy finally gets it open you had better hold on or you will go for a ride. Think four days of forty mile an hour gusts. That has pretty much taken all the fun out of spring work. Still freezing almost every night and really starting to make the once promising looking winter wheat crop look quite poor. That and no moisture in the last month is taking a toll. There is still time for a little drink but not many. The rest of the crew has been busy calving, emptying out the feedlot, and helping me keep seed in the drill, because a farmer is only as good as his ground crew. The weathermen are once again giving us hope of a four-day rain event…maybe the third times the charm. Moisture conditions have been fair. There has not been any precipitation since last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Durum, Barley, Garbanzos, Canola, Mustard, Oats, Hay, and Hay barley. Winter wheat is in the tillering growth stage. Barley is in the germinating growth stage.



Cascade County - Steve Sheffels

All the seeds are in the ground and all but one winter wheat field has been sprayed for weeds. The forecast has about an inch of rain coming in the next couple of days. The rain and some warmer weather should have the barley and peas popping out of the ground. Moisture conditions have been good. There has been .2 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Barley, and Peas. Winter wheat is in the tillering growth stage. Barley is in the germinating growth stage. We had some significant frost the last of April/first of May. It’s hard to see the yellowing from the wide shot, but the close up shows some of the more significant damage. Most of the damage is on older leaves, so hopefully, it will all recover well. There was a fair amount of brome and prickly lettuce in the winter wheat. It probably would have been better to spray 2-3 weeks earlier.  In the future, we'll have the robots do the spraying while we seed.



Chouteau County - Nathan Keane

300 acres of canola left to seed and we’ll be done. Moisture conditions have been excellent. There has been .8 to 1.2 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Barley, Lentils, Garbanzos, Canola, and Hay. Winter wheat is in the 4-leaf growth stage. Spring wheat is not yet seeded. Barley is in the 1-leaf growth stage.  I do not have any weather concerns at this time. No insects or diseases to speak of just prickly lettuce.


Fergus County - Boyd Heilig

The spring crops are coming up nicely here. Just this morning we received .45 inches of rain which will definitely help. The winter wheat has had a rough couple weeks and needs some warm weather to take off again. Haven’t been able to spray because of the cold nights. Moisture conditions have been good. We have received .45 inches of precipitation since last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Barley, and Canola. Winter wheat is in the tillering growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 2-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the 2-leaf growth stage.


Fergus County - Robert Bold

Done seeding and both winter and spring crops are top dressed. Getting concerned about the winter wheat getting too far along for spraying without some notable crop damage. The growth stage of the winter wheat crop is at least 2 weeks ahead of normal for this date. The warm season weeds like kochia and buck wheat are not up yet. Cheat grass is even in slow growth mode. The soil temp is almost 60 at surface and 46 at the 4.5 inch level. Nice slow rain with no wind this Monday (5/6) afternoon. Supposed to get several inches over the next several days. I see wheat prices are up and approaching 50% of where they were; machinery prices are 50% over where they were, and interest is up 188%. The majority of the spring seeded acres are done. We and some others have alfalfa to seed yet.  Waiting for the night temperatures to warm up so we don't have to worry about freezing. Moisture conditions have been good. We received .55 inches, and .38 inches in last 4 hours this Monday, of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat and Spring wheat. Winter wheat is in the tillering growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 1-leaf growth stage.


Gallatin County - Dale Flikkema

Small grains are seeded and we are going to start corn, sunflowers and alfalfa soon. Moisture conditions have been fair. We have received .25 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Lentils, Canola, Mustard, Hemp, Corn, Sunflower, and Hay. Winter wheat is in the 4-leaf growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 1-leaf growth stage. We need more rain.


Garfield County - Scott Glasscock

We are done seeding just in time for this great rain we’ve been blessed with. We have gotten 1.75” so far and it’s still raining as of today (5/7). It’s been pretty dry here so everything is soaking in. We have most of our chem fallow sprayed and fertilizer spread. Now it’s time to brand calves and get moved out to summer pasture. Still lots of spraying to be done yet as well. Typical busy month of May.  So thankful for the rain. Moisture conditions have been good. We have received 2.25 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Peas, Lentils, Corn, Hay, and Speltz. Winter wheat is in the tillering growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 1-leaf growth stage. Hopefully we wont get any grasshoppers.


Hill County - Trevor Wolery

Soaking in the rain today (5/7). Have had .5 inches currently but some surrounding neighbors have 3X that amount. Lots of wind with it but a beautiful rain that will put a smile on any banker. Weed control in the HRW will be the focus once the sun shines. Hoping everyone gets some precip. Moisture conditions have been excellent. We have received .62 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Barley, and Mustard. Winter wheat is in the 4-leaf growth stage. 


Judith Basin County - Greg Mathews

Finished seeding last week and was waiting for the moisture to come this last week. We only got a drizzle or 0.02 inches. Moore and Lewistown areas got a lot more. The storms were very streaky with snow and/or rain. The ww looks a little damaged from last weeks frost and cold temps. There are still a few seeding but most are done seeding cereals. The spring seeded crops are showing up and looking fine. Nice to see the green growth. Will spray sf this week with the weather cooperation.  We need some moisture and waiting for the storms that are expected this coming week per the weatherman forecast. Hope they are right this time and everybody gets some. Moisture conditions have been fair. Got 0.05 inches of precipitation over the last week.


Liberty County - Vince Mattson

We are near completion for spring planting. Moisture conditions have been good. We have received 3 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Lentils, Garbanzos, Canola, and Mustard. Winter wheat is in the 3-leaf growth stage. Spring wheat is in the germinating growth stage. I do not have any weather concerns at the moment. It just got a nice shot of water and now needs some heat units. 


Teton County - Mitch Konen

Spending time in the hurry-up and wait gear as the crops germinate and emerge. Finished seeding last Tuesday night. Only time I can recall of having my seeding chores done before May. Probably close to 95% of the bench has been planted. A few acres have been left to give the wild oats time to grow and then will be eradicated before being drilled. Spent last weekend spraying the dryland fallow ground as it was getting pretty ragged looking. Looks like some much needed moisture is in the forecast. I am actually surprised at how much moisture is in the spring seeded fields, but the winter wheat and short-grass prairie ground is drying quickly as evidenced by a little stress in the plant growth. The cold nights don't help much either though. Finally getting some non-freezing temps at night is helping also. First drilled crops are emerging now. Moisture conditions have been fair.  We have received .31 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Barley, and Hay. Winter wheat is in the 5-leaf growth stage. Spring wheat is in the 1-leaf growth stage. Barley is in the germinating growth stage. A concern for me is rain forecasted but having a hard time reaching us on the bench with these westerly winds reaching 35+mph.



Toole County - Klayton Lohr

I am 85% complete with seeding. Moisture conditions have been fair. We have received .3 inches of precipitation within the last week. Planning on growing Durum this growing season. Spring wheat is in the germinating growth stage. Have had lots of wind, which is a concern of mine. I have found kochia, tansy mustard, and cheat grass.