January 30, 2025

Carter County - Michael Hansen

Just feeding cows and calves. Wondering why we haven’t sold our steer calves as the price just keeps getting better.  Turned quite wintery the middle of January think it was like 50 below here on the creek. Took lots of wood to keep the stoves going.

Fergus County - Brandon Udelhoven

Seeded close to normal amount of Winter Wheat acres last Fall. Have pretty much moved exclusively to solid stem varieties due to increasing sawfly pressure.
Things have definitely slowed down with the wintery weather. Have tried to keep busy hauling grain, but it seems like a storm or wind event every few days puts the highways back into poor shape and drifts the binyard back up. Lots of office work as loan renewals are coming up and plans for spring seeding need to be firmed up. Need to put more time in at the shop to get seeding tractors back in shape for Spring. Trying to stay optimistic that the wheat market has room to move in a positive direction, but finding myself in the timeless situation of wishing I’d sold more earlier.
Moisture conditions have been fair. We have received 10 to 20 inches of snow depending on location, increasing amounts from North to Southwest within the last month. Big end of it has found itself in drifts and the coulees after countless high wind events.
After 5 seasons of atrocious grasshopper pressure, I’m assuming they will be of concern this coming season. Sawfly has gotten to be a larger issue in the Winifred area the past few years, as well as pockets of high pea weevil pressure.
The warm open Fall gave a great opportunity to get a kill on the winter annuals, stubbles were all super clean going into winter. Hoping the Fall applied residual does its job come spring as cheat grass is always an issue.
It’s been dry enough the last few seasons that disease pressure has been nonexistent.

Fergus County - Robert Bold

Winter is here!! After an abnormally dry October, November & December, January is above normal. The local mountains are 200+% of normal. All the reservoirs will be full this spring and some may even have their spill ways deepened. Just completing our grain contracts made last April. Between room at the elevator and January weather delays, it is taking awhile. My poor little price canary in the coal mine (oats) is still in a heavy molt. Doesn't look like prices will do anything until some time mid-March to the May 10th crop report for any new crop or old crop pricing. Exports are clipping along ahead of last couple of years and ahead of USDA export projections. The wheat supply should be getting smaller. A lot of talk of alternative crops to wheat in this area. Several problems. No malt barley contracts--at least yet.  Canola is being priced below the cost of production. Mustard isn't bad if you can get a contract. Lentils appears to be the best alternative crop. But not everyone has level ground, flex headers or combines that like rocks. Oh well, the cure to low prices is low prices. Low prices increase demand and usage. Low prices destroy supply. I keep sending my brother in Arizona snow pictures. He told me to quit sending them because it makes him cold. He also told me it had better be all melted off by the time he gets back in May...or else!
Moisture conditions have been good. We have received 28 inches of precipitation within the last month. 

Gallatin County - Dale Flikkema

The off-season is going well. Snow arrived early in January. About a foot of snow on the level. 
Moisture conditions have been good.

Hill County - Trevor Wolery

Typical weather of winter doldrums in the suburbs of Goldstone Montana. Around the yard we have moved the same snow eleven times lately. The stubble still has some snow remaining with field ends diminishing in snow cover within the radius of our home base. The northern area of our farm near the line has better snow cover yet. Diligently hauling malt barley to town for feed price the last few weeks and patiently waiting for spring to return.
Moisture conditions have been poor.

Teton County - Mitch Konen

Life has slowed down considerably as the new year has progressed. November and December were busy with meetings, conventions, and holidays. Was busy hauling spring wheat and winter wheat in between these other activities. Busy doing books for the last year and planning for the next. Attended some cropping seminars. Always something to do so maybe not that slow. Have had a bit of snow for a decent start of winter.
Moisture conditions have been fair. We have received .3 inches of precipitation within the last month. 

Yellowstone County - Chad Conover

Been doing shop work and hauling grain.
Moisture conditions have been fair. We have received 1 inch od precipitation within the last month.